Premium Winter Embrace

A person holding a vibrant bouquet of red roses, purple calla lilies, and seasonal greenery accented with pinecones against a white backdrop.
Vibrant bouquet of red roses and purple flowers arranged in a clear vase, with green leaves and red berries, set against a wicker plate backdrop on a white surface.
Vibrant bouquet of red roses and seasonal greenery with berries and pine cones emerging from a brown cardboard delivery box on a white background.
Assorted natural items neatly placed against a white background, including green leaves, a pinecone, red berries, a crimson dianthus, a red rose, and a purple calla lily.
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Indulge in the sweet, seasonal charm of this delightful bouquet! Red, magenta, and purple blooms nestled amid pine cones and eucalyptus create a festive sight. Fresh on arrival and blooming in 2-3 days, it’s a fragrant treat that will steal the spotlight from holiday sweets, captivating your guests with its beauty

1. Trim your stems.
Make sure to trim the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing them in your vase with your flower food. This helps them hydrate properly!
2. Replace the vase water.
Keep your vase free of harmful bacteria that will shorten the lifespan of your flowers by removing wilted petals, removing leaves below the waterline, and replacing the water in your vase often.
3. Keep it cool.
Your cut flowers will always be happiest in cooler spaces. Whatever you do, avoid sunny windows!

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Heads up! It’s possible that your bouquet might include slightly different flowers or colors than the arrangement pictured. Each bouquet is a handmade piece of art that is made just for the recipient. We promise that it will be just as fresh, beautiful, and lovely to receive!