Summer Fling

Vibrant bouquet of flowers with an array of pink roses, purple accents, and lush greenery held by a hand against a white background, perfect for special occasions.
Vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers, including roses and delphiniums in a glass vase, accentuated by green foliage on a wooden table with a candle and wall decor.
Vibrant bouquet of pink roses, blue flowers, and greenery arranged in a recyclable brown cardboard box on a white background, ideal for eco-friendly gifting.
A variety of fresh flowers including green leaves, red poppies, purple blooms, pink roses, and blue wildflowers arranged in a row on a white background.
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This delightful bouquet features bold pink roses, fuchsia stocks and carnations, and hot pink spray roses for a striking display. Lavender spray roses, blue delphiniums, and purple veronicas add elegance. Green cocculus foliage adds a refreshing contrast. Its captivating colors and fragrances make it a joy to behold.

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Heads up! It’s possible that your bouquet might include slightly different flowers or colors than the arrangement pictured. Each bouquet is a handmade piece of art that is made just for the recipient. We promise that it will be just as fresh, beautiful, and lovely to receive!