Yellow Orchid

Having Yellow Phalaenopsis Orchids around will definitely add not only color, but beautiful blooms all year long. Here are some of the best tips to take of it and watch it thrive!


The Phalaenopsis Yellow Orchid with a purple center is one of most common orchids due to the fact its an easily produced flower and the availability of blooming plants year-round. Yellow Orchids are easily grown and are the perfect option to have as an indoor plant, and they usually stay in bloom for a very long time. A mature yellow Phalaenopsis will be in bloom much of the year with graceful inflorescences loaded with good-sized blooms.

Water: Don’t water your Yellow Orchid tooo much! Yellow Orchids like to be watered, but then left to dry out before you water them again, reason being because their roots are very susceptible to rot if they’re kept constantly moist. A good way to tell when it’s time to water your orchid is by sticking your finger into the pot. If it feels wet, don’t water it yet. You can also try lifting the pot to feel how heavy it is. When the pot is dry it will feel very light, and it might be time to give your orchid a dose of H2O.

Fertilizer: To really keep your Yellow Orchid happy and to see it bloom in full spectrum with the most beautiful flowers, you must feed it with a great fertilizer. In this case, its best to use a high-potassium liquid orchid food to encourage beautiful blooming of the flowers. Apply the diluted fertilizer every two weeks or so.

Temperature: Yellow Phalaenopsis Orchids as you may already know are beautiful indoor plants, meaning they love a dose of warm temperatures ranging between 24°C and 29°C. If you like to keep your house warm, you’re sure to become the best orchid parent. However, its important to keep in mind that although they may like heat, exposing them to extreme amounts of light and sun is not good for them. Keep your plant out of direct sunlight to avoid the burn.

Silhouette of a classic wine glass spilt, with the liquid and glass depicted as simple geometric shapes on a plain background, symbolizing a spilled drink.


Once a week

Simplified icon of a thermometer indicating temperature with a circular base and a rising level, presented in grayscale for a clear and minimalist design.


75-82 ºF

Monochrome vector illustration of a potted plant with large leaves and a gardening trowel, representing gardening tools and houseplant care.


Spring & Summer

Simplified monochrome illustration of a globe with scientific and technological symbols, representing global innovation and connectivity in a digital world.



Bright yellow orchids with hints of red on the petals, green leaves, and a visible root system against a clean white background, symbolizing elegance and purity.

Unlike many other orchids, yellow Phalaenopsis can be repotted anytime, though it is usually best to do so when they are not in full bloom.

More info at our BloomsyBox Blog