Sweet Serenade with Clippers

Includes 27 Stems
A vibrant bouquet of pink roses, purple chrysanthemums, and greenery held by hands against a white background with the BloomsyBox Florist logo.
Red-handled florist scissors with sharp metal blades placed in front of a BloomsyBox cardboard box featuring floral illustrations on a white background.
Vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers featuring pink roses, purple dahlia, and complementary foliage in a gold vase on a wooden tray, with a cozy white sofa in the background.
Bright red scissors with ergonomic handles and stainless steel blades, the size measuring 4.375 inches, isolated on a white background.

Looking for a perfect gift for your loved ones or just want to treat yourself? Look no further! Our limited-time bundle of a beautiful bouquet and high-quality floral clippers is the ultimate convenience. Not only will you have the perfect tools to keep your flowers fresh, but you'll also enjoy a special discount. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

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