Pastel Petals

Vibrant bouquet of flowers including pink roses, yellow gerberas, purple accents, and green foliage held by a hand against a white background.
A vibrant bouquet of flowers with pink roses, orange blooms, and yellow lilies in a clear glass vase on a wooden tray against a white couch background.
Vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers including pink roses, yellow blooms, and purple accents peeking from a cardboard flower delivery box on a white background.
Various fresh flowers and leaves arranged in a row on a white background, including pink roses, gerbera daisy, and lush greenery.
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This beautiful bouquet blends lavender, peach, pink, and green harmoniously. Lavender and peach stock sprays add elegance. Peach gerbera and hypericum bring a delicate touch. Pink roses and spray roses balance warm and cool tones. Green cocculus adds freshness. Perfect for any occasion, it brings joy and brightens the day.

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