The Heritage Bouquet

Includes approx. 28 Stems
Vibrant bouquet of flowers featuring a mix of orange, pink, and purple blooms with lush green leaves, held against a white background.
A vibrant bouquet of orange and pink roses, purple flowers, and greenery arranged in a gold vase on a wooden tray, with a tropical leaf and home decor in the background.
Vibrant bouquet of fresh roses in shades of orange, pink, and purple with lush green foliage, elegantly arranged and partially packaged in a cardboard box on a white background.
Colorful assortment of fresh flowers including pink ranunculus, purple chrysanthemums, orange roses, and green leaves arranged neatly on a white background.

Stemming from our founder's heritage, this bouquet features lively pops of color from Colombia, bringing the cultures and celebrations of the Hispanic community to life through beautiful 'home-grown' flowers.

1. Trim your stems.
Make sure to trim the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing them in your vase with your flower food. This helps them hydrate properly!
2. Replace the vase water.
Keep your vase free of harmful bacteria that will shorten the lifespan of your flowers by removing wilted petals, removing leaves below the waterline, and replacing the water in your vase often.
3. Keep it cool.
Your cut flowers will always be happiest in cooler spaces. Whatever you do, avoid sunny windows!

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Heads up! It’s possible that your bouquet might include slightly different flowers or colors than the arrangement pictured. Each bouquet is a handmade piece of art that is made just for the recipient. We promise that it will be just as fresh, beautiful, and lovely to receive!

The Inspiration

Hispanic Heritage Month

We invite you to discover the joy of flowers with this exclusive bouquet to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and those who make up the Latino community.

Hispanic Heritage Month Bouquet
Vibrant pink rose in sharp focus blooming inside a greenhouse with a translucent ceiling, surrounded by green foliage and multiple roses in soft focus.
Colombian Coffee
Close-up of vibrant pink dragon fruit piled together, highlighting their unique texture and bright green tips, indicative of fresh exotic produce.
Vast commercial greenhouse filled with blooming orange gerbera daisies, showcasing rows of vibrant flowers under a translucent ceiling.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month themed BloomsyBox flyer on a wooden surface with green tropical leaves, promoting celebration with special bouquets and merchandise.
Smiling man with dark hair wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt in a greenhouse with rows of rose bushes and a large fan in the background.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved being around flowers. Growing up in Colombia, flowers were a part of everyday life. The seeds that were planted throughout my journey have not only helped BloomsyBox blossom, but enriched the gratitude I have for my Hispanic heritage.

— Juan Palacio | BloomsyBox Founder & CEO