Beautiful bouquet featuring white roses and purple flowers bursting from an open cardboard box marked with care instructions, ready for delivery.


Bloomsy Original

This product is temporarily unavailable.

The BloomsyBox that started it all! Beautiful monthly blooms at just the right price. We’ll wow you with every single bouquet! Includes approximately 20 stems.
FREE SHIPPING with each delivery.

Past Boxes

What to expect in your Bloomsy Original Plan

A vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers featuring white, pink, and purple blooms in a geometric blue vase on a kitchen counter with a sink in the background.
Elegant floral arrangement in a blush vase with pink lilies, purple flowers, and roses, displayed on a table with decorative books in a cozy home setting.
Vibrant bouquet of pink roses, green spider chrysanthemums, and purple flowers in a gold vase beside a lit scented candle on a neutral backdrop.

Featured In

Logo of USA Today, featuring a gray circle alongside the publication's name in uppercase letters with a distinctive blue line under "TODAY".Faded logo of Good Housekeeping in a simple sans-serif font, suggesting a watermark or a low-contrast design element against a light background.Gray logo of Bloomberg on a white background, representing the global financial data and media company known for business news.Gray-scale image of the word 'Money' written in a large, bold serif font, depicting a financial or economic concept on a white background.Gray-scale logo of CNN, featuring its iconic bold lettering in a modern sans-serif font, representing the well-known American news network.Logo with the word "TODAY" in bold capital letters, featuring a stylized gray image of a sunrise or radio waves to the left, symbolizing a morning broadcast or news theme.
Beautiful bouquet of pink roses and assorted flowers in a golden vase on a wooden table, with a monstera leaf and clear glass ornaments, against a soft white couch background.


Pick of the Crop

Since we work with a product from Mother Nature, we work with the seasonality of the growing season to bring you only the freshest possible bouquets with every shipment. Hydrangeas not in season this month? We won’t ship them.

Wow, my second delivery of flowers are even more beautiful than my first (if that's even possible). The quality of these flowers are amazing and long lasting

— Wilma, CT

My children started giving me a monthly gift of flowers a year ago for my 80th birthday. This year they switched companies to BloomsyBox. Everything is an improvement!!

— Susan, AR

Every box we receive from BloomsyBox is beautiful, unique, and full of wonderful color!! I cannot thank BloomsyBox enough for their consistently amazing product, and consistently wonderful customer service!

— Elizabeth, GA

Elegant spring flowers border with pink tulips and blue irises on a light textured background, space for text, perfect for invitations or greeting cards.


Bigger, Better Blooms

BlomsyBox fresh flower subscriptions make the ultimate gift! Also is a reminder to that special someone of how much you love them!

How does it work?



All About Subscriptions

Each subscription order contains a unique handpicked bouquet. Seasons change and so will your Bloomsy Box!

Your first BloomsyBox will be delivered on the date you selected upon checking out. Following your first shipment, your future shipments will arrive each month according to the delivery date of your first shipment. We deliver Tuesday-Friday.

Definitely not! We love to surprise our subscribers and we have a strict research-based schedule so you will never receive the same bouquet. You may receive bouquets with similar flowers, but always in different seasonal colors. Each order will be unique and different, each time.

Yup! When purchasing the subscription before checking out you can select if it is a gift and if you would like this gift to auto-renew or not. You can even add a Gift Message :) When you purchase a gift subscription, it will automatically live in your customer portal if you are an existing member. You will be able to manage delivery dates for the recipient and you will receive shipment notifications every time the order ships.
The recipient can make adjustments to their orders too. He/she will need to do so by contacting us at

You will be billed for your plan immediately upon signup. After the subscription cycle ends (month-to-month, 3, 6, 12 months), if you signed up for auto-renewal, you will be billed 8 days before your next shipment arrives.

Yes, you can skip a shipment or pause your subscription anytime. You will not be charged for skipped months. Contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.

If for any reason you need to contact us, we are here for you! You can chat with us directly on our website, from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday – Friday. By email at, 7 days a week, we typically respond in 24 hrs. You can also call us, we will be more than happy to talk with you. You can reach us Monday – Friday 9 am to 6 pm at 1-800-518-0957.

If you would like to cancel your membership, you must do so before the next bill date or you will continue to be billed for the following orders. We hate to see you go! If you’re canceling due to an unsatisfactory experience, we want to make it right. Please contact us by email at To cancel your subscription, log into your account. Click on the Subscriptions tab on the top left-hand side. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “More Details”. Select “cancel subscription”. After this, your subscription will not continue renewing. Please note: An email will be sent to verify you have canceled your subscription and if you do not receive an email, you did not cancel. Keep in mind that we process orders as soon as we receive them, so if you need to cancel and your first order has already been processed, we will only be able to cancel upcoming orders. Please be sure to cancel your subscription before your billing date to avoid renewing your subscription for the next cycle.

Upon subscribing, you received an email with a link to manage your subscription. Using that link, you can set up and access your customer account portal. If you are unable to find the original email, you can contact customer support. If you’ve set up your account and need to log in you can access the link by selecting the icon of a person in the top right of the homepage. You can also log in here:

Unfortunately, we can not personalization requests to our subscriptions. Our flower designers select the best and freshest varieties according to the time of the year. We do offer a Pet-Safe Subscription that follows all of the ASPCA guidelines. You can contact us for a complete list of the varieties not included in this type of Subscription.