The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your Mother's Day Flowers
Thursday, February 16, 2023
As a mom, receiving a bouquet of fresh flowers from your loved ones is a heartwarming and cherished gesture.
However, ensuring the longevity of your Mother's Day flowers can be challenging. To make sure your bouquet lasts as long as possible, we've put together some simple tips that will help you care for your blooms like a pro.
1. Check on your flowers daily
When you receive your bouquet, make sure to snip the ends and place them in a vase of water. If your florist has provided flower food, add it to the water. If not, a combination of lemon juice and sugar can be a great alternative.
Be sure to check the water daily to ensure that the level is sufficient and to remove any floating debris. If the water appears cloudy, change it, as this is a sign that your flowers need fresh water.
Also, remember to remove any dead or dying blooms to preserve the look and life of the other flowers.
2. Recut stems every few days
To help your flowers take up water and stay fresh, recut the stems every few days. Use sharp floral scissors to cut the stems at an angle, and tie the bouquet together with twine above the vase's edge before removing them to keep the arrangement in place.
3. Choose a cool spots
Most cut flowers prefer temperatures between 65-72 degrees. Keep your bouquet away from direct sunlight and heating or cooling vents to ensure it lasts as long as possible.
Don't place your blooms on the counter near fresh fruit, as the ethylene gas from the fruit can cause your flowers to age prematurely.
4. Be aware of heat
Avoid putting your bouquet or arrangement on a windowsill that receives direct sunlight, as it can cause your flowers to wilt. Similarly, don't place your fresh flowers on top of a cable box, television, or other electronic that gets warm.
5. Flower care by type
Different types of flowers require different care to stay healthy and beautiful. Here are some tips on how to care for specific flowers commonly found in Mother's Day bouquets:
Spray roses: Keep these in temperatures around 70 degrees and away from direct sunlight.
Lilies: These fragrant blooms are toxic to cats, so place them where pets can't reach them. Lilies bruise easily, so handle them with care when changing water or snipping stems.
Carnations: Keep these away from fruits or other flowers that produce ethylene gas. Cut above one of the nodes when recutting the stems to help the flower take up more water.
Gerbera daisies: Check the water level of these thirstier blooms more often and keep them away from other products that create ethylene gas.
Roses: Remove guard petals and leaves that rest in the water to extend the life of your roses. Keep them in cooler environments below 80 degrees.
Tulips: Rotate your vase once a day to avoid stems bending in one direction, and add warm water to encourage closed tulips to open.
With these tips, your Mother's Day flowers will stay fresh, beautiful, and a joy to look at for days to come.
Would you like to know more about the specific types of flowers in your bouquet and the stpry behind them? We've got you covered! Download our free Ebook “Blooming Splendor: The Ultimate Guide to Flower Types” for a complete guide, including specific tips and facts for each flower type in your arrangement.
You'll also have all the information you need to keep your blooms looking fresh and beautiful for as long as possible. Don't miss out on this valuable resource – click the button below to download now!